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Advance Certificate in Film Making [Part Time]

Duration in months – 11 Months
Course Duration (in hours) – 288 Hours
Total Sessions – 144 Sessions
Per Week Session – 3
Duration of Session (in hours) – 2 Hours
Candidates must have passed or appeared for SSC [10th Pass] or equivalent examination.


The aim is to offer an end-to end Advance Certificate in Film Making course covering all aspects of pre-production, production and post-production, including how to stage a scene, dividing it with shots and capturing it on camera along with learning the importance of story boarding, camera angles, close-ups, cutting, continuity and composition. The wide knowledge in each segment will help students develop into a professional film director catering the need for an ever- changing landscape of the film tapestry.

The goal is to offer a toolbox that is fully equipped with every essential tool that can then be used to craft any kind of story. To use another metaphor, the idea is to develop all of the student’s directorial muscles.


Excitement, passion, beauty, surprise, laughter, and tears—these are some of the things we might think about when planning a film, but they cannot be realized unless the director’s vision is wedded to a firm grasp of the directing craft.

Indian Film Industry, addressed as the ‘Bollywood’ is forever changing. There are a new breed of filmmakers giving new perspective and fresh cinematic approaches with their clever innovations. Under such circumstances , it is imperative that alongwith with compassion and creative vision the director needs to have a good technical knowledge with great behavioral skill sets. An introduction to film and Video formats and techniques, their history and development, with particular reference to the development of Directorial skills and their use in the Film, Video and

Television Industries as well as an appreciation of how, when and why the most important

formats and technique are used on various productions are the key skills to becoming a professional film director. 

Direction is a journey that begins with the art of storytelling and takes you on knowledge and roles & responsibilities driven ride making you independent, creative film maker with an ability to recognize the elements of good cinema.


    • Director for Films, Web Series and TV Shows

    • Independent Film Director

    • AV Director and Producer

    • Ad Film Director

    • Documentary Film Director

    • Assistant Director (AD)

    • Directors Assistant (DA)

    • Writer of Film and Shows

    • Junior Executive in an OTT Platform


    courses in film production
    Mrs. Shulagna Banerjee

    Shulagna Banerjee

    My son Shubarthee has always had a tremendous passion to watch praise-worthy cinema since he was a child. He was frequently vocal that he was interested in the art of film making and would like to take it up as his career and livelihood in future...

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    was last modified: August 23rd, 2024 by sippy
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